2006-11-29: Just took the standard distribution from http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-current/ This is now out of date. ------------------------------------------------ HOW TO MAKE the -2.2.0 PACKAGE: * applied cummulative patches as of the date of the file: wget http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-current/patches The webpage says download it into the top of mpfr-2.2.0 tree and use "GNU patch" to patch it: patch -N -Z -p1 < patches Then update the configure script: autoconf < configure.in > configure CHANGELONG: 2006-10-15: Fix from Mike Rubinstein: In sage-1.4/spkg/build/mpfr-20060930/spkg-install there are a couple of options given to ./configure that are specific to NTL and don't seem to have anything to do with mpfr, namely: NTL_GMP_LIP=on NTL_STD_CXX=on ----------------------------------------- OLD NOTES: If the SAGE mpfr install fails with a libtool message, this is probably because you have an old autoconf or aclocal. You want something like was@form:~/s/spkg/standard/mpfr-2005-12-13$ aclocal --version aclocal (GNU automake) 1.9.5 was@form:~/s/spkg/standard/mpfr-2005-12-13$ automake --version automake (GNU automake) 1.9.5 On Debian-ish systems, the way to upgrade is to run: apt-get install automake1.9 update-alternatives --config automake and select automake-1.9 from the menu which follows. Now even the newest mpfr works. ------------------ If you don't want to (or can't) upgrade, the following might allow you to finish the SAGE install. I'd still like to know about the problem, though: From the sage-0.9.24 directory: 1) Get the old mpfr package: http://modular.ucsd.edu/tmp/mpfr-2005-09-17.spkg 2) Type "tar jxf mpfr-2005-09-17.spkg" 3) Type "source local/bin/sage-env" to setup your environment for building sage 4) Type "cd mpfr-2005-09-17" 5) Type "./spkg-install" to build and install mpfr. If 5 does not give the same error as before that tells us the problem is related to the build scripts for the new version of mpfr or to the configure command line. If 5 succeeds, type (or whatever the current mpfr version is, as determined by the filename in spkg/standard/.) touch spkg/installed/mpfr-2005-12-13 from the sage-0.9.24 directory so the SAGE build process will know MPFR has been successfully built. Then type "make" to continue the install where you left off.