= pynac = == Description == A modified version of GiNaC that replaces the dependency on CLN by Python. == License == GPL V2+ == SPKG Maintainers == * Burcin Erocal - burcin spam.erocal.org == Upstream Contact == * Burcin Erocal - burcin spam.erocal.org * William Stein - wstein spam.gmail.com * Mike Hansen - mhansen spam.gmail.com == Dependencies == Python == Special Update/Build Instructions == If build fails trying to run autoheader, run autoreconf -i --force in the src directory. == Changelog == === pynac-0.3.0 (Burcin Erocal, 27 May 2013) === * Trac #9880: update to version 0.3.0 * Fix comparison functions so that they provide a SWO === pynac-0.2.6 (Jean-Pierre Flori, 21 November 2012) === * Trac #13729: update to version 0.2.6. * Trac #13609: normalization of content in GF(2^k) leads to infinite loop. * Trac #13587: invalid cancellation of infinities. * Trac #13262: printing of parenthesis around exponent of power objects. === pynac-0.2.5 (Jean-Pierre Flori, 31 July 2012) === * Trac #13316: update to version 0.2.5. * Trac #13107: fix division by Python longs. === pynac-0.2.4 (Jean-Pierre Flori, 23 May 2012) === * Trac #12950: Include patches to fix: * Trac #11155: abs(pi + I) -> pi + I * Trac #11423: atan2(0,0) should be undefined * Trac #11919: pickling of user defined symbolic functions without custom methods * Trac #12303: beta function should remain symbolic for exact inputs * Use Python when comparing Python objects wrapped in numerics * Complete rewrite of the code handling various types of infinities * Remove upstream revision control within the src directory * Add .hgignore file to exclude src directory === pynac-0.2.3.p1 (Jeroen Demeyer, 13 February 2012) === * Trac #12501: touch src/config.h.in to prevent autoheader from running. === pynac-0.2.3.p0 (Simon King, December 10, 2011) === * #12131: Use --libdir, to make the package work on openSUSE. === pynac-0.2.3 (Burcin Erocal, May 31, 2011) === * Fix tests for custom evaluation functions defined in Python to use bitwise and (Sage issue #9240) * Remove extra {} printed when typesetting mul objects * Merge patches from upstream: * Sage issue #10964: fix conjugates of mul objects with rational exponents * Sage issue #11352: fix is_polynomial() === pynac-0.2.2 (Burcin Erocal, May 9, 2011) === * Merge patches from upstream with the following: * Sage issue #9981 where (5-e^x).substitute(x=log(x)) gave 5-log(x) * Sage issue #9947 where add.eval() did not canonicalize expression properly * Sage issue #8943, series expansion can handle some trivial singularities now * conjugate functions for sinh, cosh and tanh * bunch of fixes for msvc compiler === pynac-0.2.1 (Burcin Erocal, September 12, 2010) === * Print rational functions and mul objects better. * Include patches from GiNaC to fix memory leaks in power::eval and improve conjugation of special functions. * Allow disabling automatic evaluation in add and mul constructors. * zeta(1) now returns UnsignedInfinity. * Fix csgn function to conform to the original GiNaC specification. * Do not generate function.{h,cpp} automatically. === pynac-0.2.0.p5 (David Kirkby, July 16, 2010) === * #7861 Export CC="$CC -m64" and CXX="$CXX -m64" if SAGE64 is set to "yes". This is because setting CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to include the -m64 option was not sufficient to get this to build properly as 64-bit on Solaris 10 or OpenSolaris. === pynac-0.2.0.p4 (Burcin Erocal, July 11, 2010) === * Fix latex typesetting of rational functions. #9314 === pynac-0.2.0.p3 (William Stein, June 4, 2010) === * Change to src/ for trac 9135. === pynac-0.2.0.p2 (William Stein and Mike Hansen, June 3, 2010) === * autoreconf and merge in trac 9086 === pynac-0.2.0 (Burcin Erocal, May 5, 2010) === * Add support for GCC 4.5.0. * Move Sage interface functions to a function table, to add Cygwin support. * Add autoconf macros to detect Python. * Import GiNaC patch to make binomial(n,0) -> 1. * Remove extra parenthesis when typesetting rational fractions. === pynac-0.1.12 (Burcin Erocal, April 2, 2010) === * Apply upstream patches to fix "division by zero" error on atan2(-pi,0) * Apply upstream patches to fix incorrect use of STL iterators. === pynac-0.1.11 (Burcin Erocal, January 19, 2010) === * Fix unarchiving overloaded functions. * Move numeric evaluation of log higher in eval. * Fix serious bug in printing where coefficients were printed with -, but not negated. * Change typesetting of rational functions to separate the numerator and denominator of the coefficient as well. * Speed up real_part() by removing calls to is_real(). * Allow overriding builtin function custom methods from python. * Allow setting domain and latex_name of symbols. * Improve deduction capabilities of info() for arithmetic classes. === pynac-0.1.10 (Burcin Erocal, November 22, 2009) === * Minor changes to auto* files to make them work with libtool-2. * Fix hash collisions for fderivatives yet again. * Fix segfault when mul tries to simplify powers of exp. * Latex typesetting of nested powers print valid latex code. * Latex typesetting of add and mul uses \left( and \right). === pynac-0.1.10.a0 (Burcin Erocal, November 19, 2009) === * Pass parent instead of precision to custom evalf methods * Pass function instance to custom methods of functions * Change typesetting to match Sage conventions * Handle exceptions while autoevaluating exp === pynac-0.1.9.p0 (Burcin Erocal, September 24, 2009) === * Put parenthesis around exp when printing powers. === pynac-0.1.9 (Burcin Erocal, September 22, 2009) === * Only simplify exp(a)^b -> exp(a*b) when b is an integer. * Fix latex printing of log to \log (was \ln). * Fix hash collision for fderivatives. * Fix comparison of fderivatives and functions. * Allow numeric approximation of functions on inexact input again. * Change printing of lgamma to log_gamma and \log \Gamma. === pynac-0.1.8.p2 (Burcin Erocal, August 1, 2009) === * Fix latex typesetting of conjugate(), real_part() and imag_part() * When calculating hash of fderivative use paramset to avoid collisions * Add support for infinity to functions defined in inifcns_trans.cpp * Add parameter to disable application of chain rule while differentiating symbolic functions. === pynac-0.1.8.p1 (Mike Hansen, June 19, 2009) === * Updated build path to work with Python 2.6. === pynac-0.1.8.p0 (Burcin Erocal, June 14, 2009) === * Fix serios bug in comparison of mul and pow objects. * Conjugates of symbolic functions no longer just apply conjutage to the arguments * Latex printing of exp now works correctly. * Better error handling for calls to python printing functions. * polylog prints as Li to match Sage. === pynac-0.1.8 (Burcin Erocal, June 4, 2009) === * Add error handling for py_get_constant * Simplify exp(a)*exp(b) -> exp(a+b) * Revert previous changes to symbol::calchash === pynac-0.1.7.p0 (William Stein, June 1, 2009) === * Fix typo in spkg-install found by Mariah Lenox. === pynac-0.1.7 (Mike Hansen, et al. May 18, 2009) === * Many fixes needed to make Pynac work as the default system for symbolic manipulation in Sage. === pynac-0.1.6 (Burcin Erocal, May 6th, 2009) === * Fix error handling in Number_T::hash(). * Add support for archiving numeric and function objects. * Fix comparison bug in mul. * Fix gcc warnings about conversion of strings to char*. * Change exp to not prints exponents of 1. * Add power method to exp so that (e^x)^y -> e^(x*y). === pynac-0.1.5 (Burcin Erocal, April 13th, 2009) === * Change printing of pi (Pi -> pi) * Delay evaluation of special functions until .evalf() is called * Add precision parameter to .evalf() === pynac-0.1.4 (Burcin Erocal, April 11th, 2009) === * Add support for arithmetic with infinity. * Use python repr function for printing numeric objects. * Print paranthesis in latex mode with \left and \right. * Call python for latex names of symbols. * Support calling user specified python functions to print function instances. * Call python for printing function and fderivative. === pynac-0.1.3 (Burcin Erocal, February 26th, 2009) === * Fix serious bug in expairseq::compare_same_type which resulted in wrong simplifications. * Remove dependencies on lex, yacc, and dlopen. === pynac-0.1.2 (Burcin Erocal, January 30th, 2009) === * factorial now prints as factorial(n), not n!. * Change comparison functions to make higher degree terms print first. * functions (and fderivatives) now print after other types. * Add latex printing for binomials. * exp is now printed as e^x. * Change the way rational functions are printed to match Sage. === pynac-0.1.1.p0 (Michael Abshoff, January 20th, 2009) === * add OSX 64 bit build support === pynac-0.1.1 (Burcin Erocal, October 15th, 2008) === * Allow python functions to provide custom evaluation, derivative, series expansion, etc. functionality of symbolic functions * Change names of more files to prevent clashing with a ginac installation. * Fix several bugs when working with modular coefficients. === pynac-0.1.p0 (Burcin Erocal, Michael Abshoff, September 20th, 2008) === * Change library name, include file location to reflect the package name and not conflict with ginac * Change library version numbers to reflect package version * Fix build problems where autoheader was run === pynac-0.1 (William Stein) === Summary of changes from GiNaC: * GiNaC::numeric was replaced completely to rely on Python and Sage types instead of CLN. * Use Pari via Sage to compute numerical values for special functions. * Printing order is consistent between different runs. * Inverse trig functions print with "arc" instead of "a"